Survivor 40: Immunity Idol Bone'er

I'm sorry, but the little 12 years old perverted me came out while watching this season's premiere of Survivor  40: "Winners at War" and laughed and giggled at this season's Immunity Idol when I saw it, over and over.

Great start to this season though, but I have to ask, "Didn't the production and props team not see this?"

Every Time Jeff Probst handled that idol I couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the sight of that thing. And once you see it, you can't unsee it either. (Sorry about that, lol)

Look at that shocked face as the contestants try and throw a ring on its pecker!!!! Arms flailing out and legs spread apart like that! Or maybe it's not a shocking face at all...., right?

Jeff seems to be telling little bone head to put the bone away at times. But Mr. Boner seems to just keep the arms wide open and legs spread apart in hopes somebody will touch it.
Kinda like the pervert in the long trench coat.

 Seriously, is anybody else seeing this!? LOL!

Yerrrr outta here! LOL!

PS: When I say 12 years old me came out, I didn't mean the closet. I meant I became immature for the moment.  I like pussy cats.

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