My Personal Experience With Cryptocurrency Apps And Investments With Them


This post will be about my personal experience using 3 different apps for trading and buying Cryptocurrencies. I am not an expert in this matter, in fact, I am very new to this cryptocurrency world. But the apps that I am about to review made it easy to get started in buying and getting my share of what is becoming a very popular topic over the internet as of late. So with that said, don't hold me responsible if you invest large amounts of money and take a huge loss, I would advise that you take the time to learn about this before mortgaging your house.


So, my first taste of the crypto world was all the buzz over this thing called DOGE. I was reading and watching how DOGECOIN was originally supposed to be a joke, but it actually started taking off and I said to myself that I wouldn't be THAT GUY saying, "If I had known I would have bought into that." and regretting it while watching everybody else get rich.
    So I searched around reading reviews on what the best app was for getting DOGE coin. I discovered that not many Apps dealt with DOGE and the best-rated App was always BINANCE. I'll Be honest in saying that it isn't the easiest app for beginners like me.
    There is a small learning curve but I still managed to figure it out. Which is to say a lot, LOL! I ended up buying $100 in DOGE when it was low and thanks to Elon and his idiotic tweet it went down a bit. Fortunately, it's slowly rising back up again. It's still looking good seeing that it is such a new cryptocurrency at the moment. Bitcoin started this way and look at it now right!?
    There are also a huge amount of other cryptocurrencies that they also support if you have something else in mind. But I've been using it just for the DOGE.

    So in my opinion, if you want to jump on to the DOGE Wagon and invest in some DOGECOIN and become rich slowly, open an account with BINANCE and grab their app so you can watch your investment on the go.

    At this point, I've got the crypto bug and wanted to earn more with different rising cryptocurrencies. I also wanted to use a Canadian App, which was a lot easier to use and something that didn't take a lot out of your investment with foolish fees. 
    So again, I did my research with good ol' Google and come to the conclusion that Wealthsimple was the better choice for me. It is a lot easier to use than Binance but unfortunately, they don't trade DOGE at this time of posting. And as a bonus, if you sign up using my link referral you'll receive $10 when you make your first deposit and trade of at least $100!
    Setup was so easy and it only took a few minutes to get verified. As soon as I was verified I bought $100 in BTC (Bitcoin) Which gave me 0.001397 of a bitcoin LOL! That bitcoin as of this posting is now worth $60.80, but that's because of Elon Musk and his idiotic tweet. Since then it has been slowly climbing back up, as it usually does. I eventually bought into ETH (Ethereum) which has been doing extremely well these past couple of weeks! I bought $100 worth of ETH which is now worth $111.54 as of this posting. I'm ahead already!
    The Wealthsimple App makes investing in Cryptocurrency very easy. If you feel you don't want to buy DOGE, then Wealthsimple is the better App in my opinion. At this time of posting they currently only support BTC and ETH.

    While on my quest to find the best App to play in the world of Cryptocurrency, I also found a lot of great reviews on the Shakepay App. Shakepay currently only supports BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) at the time of this posting. But the added bonus besides being super easy to use and being Canadian is the fact that if you shake your phone once a day, you earn free BTC! And if you sign up through my link referral, you'll get $10 when you buy your first $100 in crypto!
    You'll only get the shake your phone feature after you make at least a $100 purchase in crypto, so don't think you'll just get the app and not buy anything and shake for free Bitcoin. It won't work that way. Shakepay is easy to set up and you'll get verified within minutes. 
    On may 27th 2021 I bought $100 in ETH and it's now at $109.00 at the time of this post. Too bad I didn't buy it at the same time I bought it with the Wealthsimple App when it was cheaper. But that's how the game is played. Buy low, sell high!

    With all that said and done, I am ahead on all my investments. I can only recommend these apps because I am currently using them and found them very easy and helpful to use for a beginner like myself. If you're thinking of getting into the crypto game, I recommend that you use the links I provided for extra bonuses for both of us. Not using them will result in a loss of bonus money if you just open an account without the referral.

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