Netflix Commits Suicide - Axes Marvel Shows

Yup, you read the title correctly. Netflix is canceling its Marvel Original series'.

Netflix has announced that it is canceling the two remaining Marvel series still on the streaming service, Jessica Jones and The Punisher.

The cancellation of these two Marvel shows comes after Netflix had already canceled Luke Cage, The Defenders, Iron Fist and Daredevil.

If you're a fan of these shows, you're probably saying, "WTF Netflix!? WTF!!!?"

I'm betting that this all has to do with Disney. Netflix just isn't saying anything probably to avoid legal actions against them, but I'm thinking this has got to do with Disney owning Marvel and they are trying to get more subscribers to their own platform of streaming services and told Netflix that they are cut off or have to pay more money for copyright access to the franchise.

I'll never subscribe to Disney, but not because of this, simply because they suck. Netflix just shot themselves in the foot with this decision and it really sucks.

Johnny Bernthal (FRANK) tweeted:To all who have served. All who know loss. All who love and understand Frank and his pain. It has been an honor to walk in his boots. I’m endlessly grateful to the comic fans and the men and women of the Armed Services and law enforcement community who Frank means so much to. Thank you to the USMC and all the wonderful soldiers who trained me. Go Hard. Be safe.
Dammit! I really liked The Punisher too! I hate when stupid decisions like this are made. It really puts a damper on things when getting interested and devoting your time to a TV Series only to have it just cut off with no closure.

At least if you're going to AX a series, let the story play out with a good ending.

What are your thoughts on this?

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